Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Give ME a break

At the Video Music Awards, Kanye West grabbed the microphone from country singer Taylor Swift as she was giving her acceptance speech for winning 'Best Female Video'. He proceeded to tell the audience that Beyonce deserved to be recognized for having the "best music video of all time." His words caused a stir in the audience while the camera zoomed in on a very embarrassed Beyonce Knowles. Swift was not able to finish her speech at that time due to West's interruption. Kanye West's presentation at the Video Music Awards on Sunday represents a problem much larger than him disrespecting Taylor Swift.

Kanye West, as well as other black figures in the world of popular culture and music, is extremely influential in mainstream America. As black people, we tend to take it personally when somebody who looks like us makes a very public mistake. Look at Chris Brown, Michael Vick, T.I. and the DC snipers—we all thought dang, they just set us back. But it’s not so much Kanye’s behavior that troubles me, but the reasoning behind it.

According to CNN correspondent Alan Duke, Kanye West “blame[d] the pain of his mother’s death two years ago for his ‘rude’ behavior.” West also stated that his celebrity status has hindered him from taking time to cope with the death of his mother.

Celebrities make mistakes all of the time and if they offer apologies we should accept them. However, what kind of message is this sending to our youth? In our society, the reality is celebrities do whatever, say whatever, offend whoever, and after they offer an apology we turn the other cheek and buy their next CD. Why is it important to have morals, values, and a strong character if glory and riches will be there regardless? It’s time to make our celebrities more accountable for their public offenses for the sake of our children.

By: Isis Rose

September 16, 2009


Verge'N said...

-Maeghan Leonard

Verge'N said...

I agree with your blog. The fact that many celebrities go without punishment for there behavior enrages me and those who are punished their consequence(s) is almost always mild and not suited for their indiscretion or there crime.

I think that Kayne West's behavior was uncalled for and that if he had any disagreements with the decision that was made that he should have discussed it at a different time. His outburst was rude and he made himself look bad, by embarassing a hardworking teenager who deserved to get the award as much as anyone else did.

However, his outlandish behavior should not be a burden to the African American race,or that of any other African American. It is not African Americans job as a whole to pacify our race. Every man should be held accountable for their actions. Just because you are a celebrity does not mean that your bad judgments go unnotice and have no consequence. It is our job as African Americans to not justify the actions of our people, but to help them realize their mistake and encourage them to correct it so they can also be a contributor of the advancement our race.

Kendra Robinson

Verge'N said...

This is a very well written blog, it made me think. Before reading this I simply looked at Kanye West's outburst as wrong but, funny. I no longer see the funny side. As, you said it does set us back as a race and futhermore, promotes that it is okay to disrespect others to our youth. I also agree and think that it is wrong for Kanye to blame his mother's death as the reasoning for his actions. its as though he is using it as a crutch. When will there come a day where people (esp. individuals of the African American race) stop using the negativity in their lives' asreasoning for tghier wrongdoings?

-Jacquelyn D. Paterson

Verge'N said...

I agree as well. Kanye's behavior was unacceptable. He constantly shows behavior like this, and shouldn't blame it on the death of his mother. Celebrities need to take responsibilty for their actions. With them being in the spotlight, they need to watch what they do more carefully.


Verge'N said...

"Give ME a break" was a well written blog. I agree that Kanye West and other celebrities alike should be held accountable for all of their actions. Although many celebrities when asked the common question "Are you a role model?" they answer no, replying that "there are other successful people such as political figures" that should be regarded as role models. Whether that claim is true or not, celebrities become role models by default. Overall celebrities should become more conscious about their actions, because they have an audience who follow and look up to their actions and behavior.

By: Raavin R Evans

nia denise said...

I do believe that what Kanye West did was out of bad taste, but the truth is I do not believe that it was big enough to not buy his album. I seperate Kanye's personality from the music that he produces. He is a great artist, and his music is outstanding.

Unknown said...

I agree with your argument that Kanye West was out of line. I think it is bigger issue than being inappropriate just in that moment. Instances like this have lasting effects on our children in this country. African-American children are lacking positive role models in the media. I feel that it is a celebrity's responsibility to recognize their ability to influence the behavior of our youth. Black students are already lagging behind in education, partially because they see those that look like them succeed only in the entertainment and sports industries as opposed to in positions of intellect. If we are going to support the adoration of celebrities, then we need to make sure that celebrities put more thought behind their actions.

Jazmon Kearse said...

I agree whole heartedly. There have been too many incidents where Kanye has had to release a public statement and/or apology for "running off at the mouth." It's starting to become redundant and expectant. I do believe he does suffer from some sort of post traumatic stress disorder due to his mother’s death however, I do not feel that should be used as an excuse for all of his unnecessary acts of ignorance. It is time to hold Kanye accountable because apparently he has yet to learn and comprehend his wrong doings. Apparently the negative media attention is not enough for Kanye and because he is always posing some sort of problem with his verbal statements it is now time that they begin to address him. To be honest, I'm tired of seeing/hearing him express himself and then having to issue an apology immediately following. IT'S BECOMING ANNOYING NOW!!!!

Verge'N said...

I completely agree and I feel that MTV should have immediately done something about Kanye's behavior when the incident happened. Everyone loves Kanye but his behavior was uncalled for and he deserves some type of consequence. Although I do appreciate his apologies, it is not right for children to see a person simply walk away from such a public and unacceptable mistake.


Verge'N said...

After reading your commentary, it has become extremely clear to me the problem that our people are facing in the media eye. Over the years celebrities have often acted on actions before thinking about them. This to me can't go ignored because this has become a redundant problem in the media.

Verge'N said...

After reading your commentary, it has become extremely clear to me the problem that our people are facing in the media eye. Over the years celebrities have often acted on actions before thinking about them. This to me can't go ignored because this has become a redundant problem in the media.

nia denise said...

I would also like to mention, that many African American celebrities have to pay bigger prices than regular people as a warning and example. Look at Michael Vick, any ordinary civilian would have gotten a slap on the wrist for fighting dogs. Michael Vick got one year. I do believe that if he was not an African American successful man, that would not have occured. There was an incident of another football player who was carrying a gun in NY. He accidently shot himself, and got a year in jail for carrying a gun. He did not hurt anyone or want to hear anyone. If he was a regular man on the street, he would have gotten probation and a slap on the wrist. As a successful black man, he was given an unfair punishment. OJ Simpson, I know its a touchy situation, however, his sentence for kidnapping and "stealing his own stuff" was absolutely ridiculous. 15 years?? Come on people...

Verge'N said...

Your argument was well versed and the points made were credible and relevant. It is okay to apologize and have Americans accept that apology. However, does the death of your mother and not being able to properly cope with it give you license to rain on the parade of an award winning young lady in the first place. In the eyes of some yes, this is perfectly understandable behavior. Hurt people Hurt people. Enough said. Would I handle the situation in that manner, no. I am not a celebrity who has lost my mother and had no time to mourn in peace though. I am not defending him, but some people handle things in different ways. And as for him being a role model, LOL. He has never given me any reason to think of him as a positive role model. Yet I still appreciate his lyrical genius. If my children want to buy his album for that reason, great, if not I have to set some guidelines. All I can do is quote Malcolm X with that statement, "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything".

Sascha Betts

Jasmine said...

Very good argument. Even though i agree, you used a reliable source like CNN to support you argument. Even with the Mike Vick situation, now people in Philadelphia are praising him. Okay he might be a great athlete, he still did a horrible act. Another example, Kanye, okay he did this but its sad because this stirs up his popularity. This goes back to rappers when they "beef" with each other, with all of the hype it makes people gain interest. I know with Taylor Swift, I didn't know who she was until this event. I googled her and then looked at her video. Sad, I know. Celebrities do make mistakes, we all do, and it seems like the consequences are finally narrowing down. When i say "narrowing down" i mean, there was a time when an average joe could commit the same crime as a celeb but they wold have different outcomes. But times is changing because there isn't too many parents who are going to buy that new Chris Brown CD for their teenage daughter.

-Jasmine S