Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Re:Interracial Dating


I do believe that there is only one race, the “human race,” but from a Socio-historical perspective society has polluted that notion. The color of one’s skin has bought division amongst human beings, by judging others worth by the color of their skin. Interracial dating can be the cause of tension in relationships, and can be a reason for being social outcast. We would all like to believe that everyone has accepted the idea of interracial relationships, but I think society still has some maturing to do. NO, we should not judge others by the color of their skin; we should choose our mates by the content of their character. But being colorblind is easier said than done.

In the movie, “Something New” Sanaa Lathan, falls for a white man, but it was not willingly. She is apprehensive about the idea, solely because of the color of his skin. Once in a relationship, their continues issue was dealing with their racial difference, and the lack of acceptance by friends and family. Those issues eventually lead to the break-up of the couple. Thankfully, Sanaa was mature enough to overcome those superficial differences and found that true love does not have a color. But it was not until after she endures heart ache and pain. But, not everyone is able to work past those racial differences!

Dating outside of ones race, is a personal decision. One that should not have to be contemplated, but in today’s society, often is. Being in a relationship between two individuals, and them being happy with each other. And who’s to say you can only be happy with a same-race person?

Response by Christina

Dating outside of one's race is stigmatized because of the way Americans have been socialized. Due to different social issues (i.e. slavery and segregation) the idea of being able to date outside of one's race and it be acceptable is rather taboo. Though race is an uncontrollable aspect, who you date is and dating outside of your race will not eliminate racial tensions but instead it will cause an uneasiness between the couple; and when out in public people will frown and make judgments about that couple based on preconceived notions of who should date who.Though looking through a rose colored glass is ideal, the truth is America is not ready to face the idea of intermixing different races. It is seen as more of an insult for an African American male to be dating a Caucasian woman then is the opposite. Think about. How often do you see an interracial couple, and think dag she is taking all of our good men. I mean from the statistics we hear most of our black men are dead or in jail, we don't want to loose the rest to other races. I think one reason we think like this is because essentially if all black men dated white women then how would our race continue? One reason that white people think this way is because they have been conditioned to believe that black men are inferior to white men and should not be allowed to touch "the pure white women". Unfortunately, there is some merit to both statements. Though there are colleges like Morehouse College, that is only a small microcosm of the real world. In reality there are LIMITED black well educated black men suitable for marriage. After watching the documentary, "Black in America" I came to realize that interracial couples still have it hard. Not only are they subjected to a life of uneasiness but they also subject their children to being discriminated against and also to having identity crisis. Seeing how the white man, in the documentary, had to essentially leave his family alone in order to marry his black girlfriend shows an important thing. Even in 2008 with all of the "perceived progress" that America has made, we still can not date outside of our race, and thinking that doing so will relieve racial tensions is very ignorant and uninformed. Honestly, love SHOULD NOT be limited by the color of one's skin but in ALL HONESTY IT IS. Maybe one day we will be able to accept interracial couples because we won't look at race, but that day has yet to come.


Anonymous said...

Interracial Dating is only effected by the couple who is in the relationship. Yes they have problems, but so do everyone else who is in a relationship does. The color of ones skin don't nessary becomes a problem unless it's already a problem between the couple. And your friends and family are going talk about who you date regardless of the color of your skin. Untill they get to know the person, they might always have something negative to say. Shoot, I say if you are happy you should worry about what everyone else thinks. I totally disagree with your comment. If I remember the movie "Something New" correctly she didn't want to stop date the guy because the color of his skin. It's her personalty she always like to follow the rules and she was always trying to measure to what her mother thought a good women should be. It was because society said it was wrong.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the fact that we are all one race, the human race. It should be highly apparent by now that love can be found in all different ways, some of those ways may be a little unorthodox, but love is love. Our society is facing moral turmoil in accepting homosexuality, but it cannot be denied that that type of love is real and it happens every day just like heterosexual relationships. People of different religions formulate relationships with frequency as well. People of different races are simply people, their lives may have been different, their beliefs, and their heritage, but that goes for any other relationship whether it be same race, interracial, heterosexual, homosexual, inter-religious, etc. Love is much more basic in a sense that it does not judge, nor is it logical, it is an inexplicable draw between two people and gives them the ability to understand the other person and care for them so deeply that the strength of that bond can quite often last a lifetime. Love can be found anywhere, between all shades of people. who are we to judge and deny that of anyone?

Anonymous said...

interracial dating has been a subject of open topic since the early 50's and will always continue to be. There was a time in my life that I would have been totally against the idea, because of the negative results of being in a interacial relations. The hate and injustice that comes from this type of relationship can be overwhelming. But with age I have discovered you are not alway in control of who you fall in love with, but the choice of marrying that person is still in your control. If you are mature enough to handle the stares, and nasty comments then go for it. Everyone is entitle to their happiness. My daughter and son have both married outside of their race and both are very happy and have made it work. But part of that sucess comes from the support of their family and not necessary their friends. I guess my ending comment would be that you can't based your happiness or exisitence on what the world may think. You must be secure in who you are and your belief system and not worry about what others esecially within your culture may thinks. Love is color blind. Think of all you miss out on by palcing limited on your life.

Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly agree that interracial dating should be accepted in our communites. People shoule be allowed to date and love whomever they please without ciricism from others. Dating is is such a personal decision, societies input should be allowed. Especially regarding the race or ethnicity of your partner.
But the reason for the (still) hatred towards interracial relationships is simply racism. Countless people are prejudice and racist. They do not want to see someone of their race with someone of the opposite. And sadly, this usually refers to those who are white and black.